The Montana Moves & Meals Wellchat

Well, we did it. We made a podcast. We've been talking about it for sometime now and we finally got it done! Let us know if you like it, give us some feedback, and we'll make more! Have an idea for an episode? We take requests. Episode 1 is introductions and back stories. Even if... Continue Reading →

Let’s Party!

It's about time for MUS Wellness to start our road trippin' and log some miles in March and April. As usual, we'll spend time visiting Wellchecks, presenting wellness education, and visiting our favorite people all over this beautiful state! Here's some important info to keep you ahead of the game: Get a jump on registering for... Continue Reading →

The Dirty Dozen & Clean 15

One topic that didn’t make the list for Wednesday’s Hot Topics webinar, but that frequently comes up during our live workshops is organic food. Specifically, if organic food is worth the extra cost. My full answer to that question is complex and lengthy, and involves my personal opinions. Maybe someday I’ll write that post. (Spoiler... Continue Reading →

Montana Moves High Five

Excited about the “High Five” webinar tomorrow! Register here if you haven’t signed up:

This is a reblog from the original post last year.

Montana Moves

When Cristin and I started writing this blog, we decided that one of the first things we should write about were our individual philosophies on exercise and nutrition, and how they relate to health and wellness. We posted our philosophies in October, 2012. When Cristin wrote her philosophy, she neatly broke out her beliefs about nutrition into what we later called “Cristin’s 6 Nutritional Tenets”. When I read Cristin’s philosphy I thought, “Wow, these are simple, easy to understand guidelines that allow for individual freedoms, and I believe that if everyone followed them Montana would be a healthier state.”  I’ve been jealous ever since.  Recently I went back and revisited my exercise philosophy and tried to formulate my beliefs as Cristin did: in a way that summarizes my philosophy, but also could serve as guidelines for people trying to live healthy, high-quality lives.  I didn’t come up with 6, but…

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