Welcome Back!

We hope everyone had a wonderful summer! As we're all gearing up for a new fall semester, here are a couple of MUS Wellness resources to keep in the front of your mind. The return of school is an excellent time to double down on those healthy habits that keep us physically and mentally fit.... Continue Reading →

CSA Opening Day! (Video)

I've been eagerly awaiting the beginning of CSA (community supported agriculture) season, and it finally arrived this week! For the past few years, I've participated in a CSA share through Townes Harvest Garden at MSU. Since I've recently focused on several at-home fitness videos through the COVID crisis, I thought it would be a nice... Continue Reading →

Kettlebell Compound Exercise (Video)

Last week I posted a video of a Kettlebell Complex, or series of exercise sets performed sequentially. Today is part 2 of our Kettlebell series, featuring a compound movement, or a series of individual movements performed sequentially. Compound movements can be incorporated with any exercise implement, such as dumbbells, medicine balls, barbells, or even with... Continue Reading →

Kettlebell Complex (Video)

We’ve been doing a series of exercise videos that you can utilize at home, and I recently received a request for some kettlebell ideas. The kettlebell is a wonderful piece of free-weight equipment that has been around for a very long time, but has seen a resurgence of popularity in gyms and home gyms over... Continue Reading →

Body Weight Exercise Sequence 2 (Video)

No gym? No problem. Neal Andrews, MS, CSCS leads you through an exercise sequence at home using all body-weight exercises (Part 2 of this series). Most movements in the video are performed for 10-12 reps. Suggested rep ranges are 10-20 reps. Or use a timer to perform each exercise from 20-40 seconds. For more exercise... Continue Reading →

Medicine Ball Sequence (Video)

No gym? No problem. Neal Andrews, MS, CSCS leads you through an exercise sequence at home using a medicine ball. Medballs are very popular, versatile, and inexpensive pieces of exercise equipment that are must-haves for home gyms. Most movements in the video are performed from 8-12 reps. You can also use a timer to perform... Continue Reading →

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